Testimonials: Lawyers

T-A Corporate Lawyer Boston

I first met Susan during a Zoom networking meeting.  She gave an amazing presentation on her business practice of reading humans based on nothing more than their face.  She then preceded to “read” four participants, including me.  I knew each of the participants she read, none of whom she had ever met before.  Her insight and analysis of all of us were unbelievable and uncanny.  It was astonishing to see how accurate she was

 After that experience, I realized how powerful Susan’s abilities would be if applied to solve the problems many of my clients face in conducting their business activities, including negotiating deals.  One of the clients I referred to Susan continues to rave about her months after Susan’s counsel and advice resulted in a successful business deal.  

 Susan and her team should be the first call you make before you or your client negotiate the next deal. 

Steven B. | Chicago lawyer

“Solely from looking at a photo on a website, Susan Ibitz of Human Behavior Lab provided me with a remarkable, spot-on assessment of a lawyer on the opposite side of my case. Her insight helped me to tailor my negotiation style and bring the case to settlement.”

Deborah Danger, J.D., LL.M.
Experienced Tax Attorney Focused on Assets: Protection, Enhancement and Succession Planning

If you have an upcoming trial with a prickly judge, opposing counsel, or client...call Susan Ibitz RIGHT AWAY!

She worked with us to profile the judge, the ex-husband, the ex-husband's lawyer, our client, and the two lawyers who were working the case for our client.

Susan advised as to the words to use, the questions to ask, the height of the shoes to wear (opposing counsel was self-conscious about being short and the four-inch heels she coached us to wear while standing near him make him visibly uncomfortable).

We learned how to work better with each other, how to effectively keep the other side on its heels, and we phrased questions that elicited responses that showed the judge just how cruel the client's ex-husband could be, plus we presented our client in a favorable light to the judge.

Bottom line: We got a very favorable judgement that included EVERYTHING we asked for! We felt like rock stars. The client was over the moon. And our team's confidence and trust in each other grew immeasurably.

I only have good things to say about working with Susan and the results she helped us achieve.

I STRONGLY recommend that you at least consider giving her a chance to share with you just how impactful she and her team can be to you, your client, your outcome and your business!

Thanks for being AWESOME, Susan!


Lieutenant Mark Lowther (Ret.)-Weber County Sheriff's Office- Former Hostage Negotiator

I served 24 years and retired as a Lieutenant with the Weber County Sheriff's Office in Utah

Susan Ibitz was one of my students for the 40-hour basic class and once again for the 40-hour advanced certification class. Although a civilian I found Susan was able to quickly grasp the topics and was an excellent student. Susan was engaging, intelligent and completed the homework assignments with a great deal of insightfulness and detail. I have in fact taken body language training from Susan since her last attendance in my classes.

I strongly believe your company would greatly benefit having someone of Susan's background, character and intelligence. I without hesitation recommend Susan Ibitz

Steve Fretzin
The Sales-Free Selling Lawyer Coach, Plane Crash Survivor, Four-time Author, Host of the BE THAT LAWYER podcast. With FRETZIN, Lawyers have their best year, every year.

Fun, smart, and a true expert in her field, Susan does an amazing job of training people to build stronger relationships, network more effectively, and ultimately, build more business. She has spoken at a number of my roundtable groups and they all rave about her presentations. Thanks, Susan for being awesome!