Exposing your team to High-performance Behavior Training is what we do
You need your people to be “HUNTERS” but giving them a peptalk will not work to increase your sales.
What works is high performance persuasion, human behavior profiling and interrogation. YES, who is the key person in the hospital, office, or pharmacy.
Extracting information and more importantly how to use is a soft / social skill that can only be learned from a formal expert in the art of “I WILL READ YOU LIKE A BOOK”.
We have a team of former 3-letter experts. We take your sales team to the streets with an arsenal of competitive tools including: Hight Performance Persuasion, Human Behavior Profiling, Language Analysis and Harvard level Negotiation.
When a Hostage Negotiator and Psychologist meet your team, magic happens.
Without this magic, you are doomed to be 1 more in the pile of people sitting in an office waiting for someone to see you. We make you wanted.
You know problems will happen, competitors will come and go, employee shortage is here, you are 1 phone call away to change this.
It’s always is good to have a reality check, so let’s talk about numbers from national data:
- 78% are placing greater emphasis on skilling and career engagement
- 45% of employees leave their current jobs for a company that can give them better opportunities for professional growth
- 65% of employees say that the quality of their training and learning chances make them more engaged
- The right training that fits with you and your team can make a difference and avoid losing money since 43% of sales reps can become more successful and productive
- According to Indeed, pharma pays an average of $ 78,000, plus bonus and training per sales rep
- 80% of pharma companies reported skills gaps.
- 60% of salespeople face challenges due to a skills gap. These obstacles include problem-solving, adaptability, and client and colleague communication.
⚠️Don’t wait for your competitors to call us; call us first.